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    On Monday, the Toronto Transit Committee (TTC) has announced some changes to their PRESTO card system. The TTC has implemented new screens that will show riders the balance of their PRESTO cards when they swipe onto a bus or streetcar or into a fare gate. The first change happened on September 25 when all PRESTO card reader screens on buses or streetcars started displaying the balance remaining on the card.

    Starting Monday, the fare gates will also have an electronic screen that will show the balance left on a rider’s card. The screens will also be used to show additional information such as if a rider’s PRESTO card is declined, they will be informed of the reason why. The fare gate will also distinguish when a child’s card is being used.

    When a child swipes their card, a flashing yellow light will appear and a three-toned chime will sound. The agency also said that if a rider is using a Fair Pass Discount Program, they will hear one beep instead of two at the fare gate. The TTC announced they would install antimicrobial copper coatings on high-touch surfaces on buses, subway cars, and streetcars.

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