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    As the end of the school semester is approaching, some universities are adjusting their plans amid the rise in COVID-19 cases. The University of Victoria in British Columbia announced it will not be holding any further in-person exams this month. Instructors at the school were asked to offer alternative exams online or in another format. 

    Queen’s University in eastern Ontario postponed in-person exams because of the rise in COVID-19 cases in the community. Exams that must be done in person will be postponed to the new year. The school stated students who were concerned about the rise in local cases could defer from their exams. 

    The University of Toronto said it is consulting with public health experts and will change plans if needed. Both the University of Waterloo and Western University said they will be monitoring the situation and will act accordingly. A spokesperson from York University, Yanni Dagonas said most of the schools exams are already benign taken remotely.

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