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    The summer of 2022 has seen an increase in both pink and sockeye salmon in British Columbia rivers. One veteran Indigenous fisherman reported the biggest catches of sockeye in decades. Mitch Dudoward said “This is the best season I can recall in my lifetime with the numbers we are catching,”

    Dudoward has worked in the salmon industry for more than 40 years and claims fishing on the Skeena River has never been better. The chairman of the Indigenous-led First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance, Bob Chamberlin said that thousands of pink salmon are in Central Coast rivers after years of little return. 

    The strong upswing in salmon population comes two years after the closure of two open-net Atlantic salmon farms in the area. Chamberlain explained “we got them removed and two years later we went from 200 fish in the river to where we have several thousands to date. In out mind and knowledge that is a really clear indicator.”

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