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    To Compete in Beijing Olympics & Paralympics, Canadian Athletes Must be Vaccinated

    Any Canadian athlete wanting to compete in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics or Paralympics will have to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The news was announced by the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Committees on Wednesday and said the decision was based on the support of the boards of directors and athlete commissions. David Shoemaker, the Canadian […]

    New Ontario Legislation to Allow Delivery Workers to Access Bathrooms at Businesses

    The Ontario government is set to introduce legislation that will give delivery workers access to bathrooms at businesses they are delivering or picking up from. If passed, the legislation will apply to couriers, truck drivers, and food delivery workers. The news was shared Wednesday morning in a statement from Minister of Labour Monte McNaughton. In […]

    Ontario Logs Just Over 300 New COVID-19 Cases Today

    On Wednesday, health officials in Ontario are reporting 304 new infections of COVID-19 signifying the lowest daily case count in months. This is the third day in a row where the province is reporting daily case counts under 400. Currently, there are at least 258 people in Ontario hospitals and 159 patients being treated for […]

    The World is Striving for Net-Zero Emissions by 2050, Here’s What to Know

    A world with net-zero emissions means that we are no longer adding heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Some of these gases can still be emitted, but they would have to be “cancelled out” by removing an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases. Canada has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 in order to fight […]

    Surgeons in the U.S. Test Pig Kidney Transplant in a Human Patient

    For the first time ever, a kidney from a pig has been transplanted into a human without any rejection from the patient’s immune system. This could be a major step that can help alleviate urgent shortages of human organs for transplant. The procedure was performed at NYU Langone Health in New York City. The team […]

    Ontario Logs More Than 300 New COVID-19 Cases Today

    On Tuesday, health officials in Ontario are reporting 328 new infections of COVID-19 signifying a slight decrease from the previous days. This is the second day in a row where the province is reporting daily case counts under 400. Currently, there are at least 260 people in Ontario hospitals and 159 patients being treated for […]

    The Who is Attempting to Determine the Origin of COVID-19, Again

    Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a new advisory group to determine the origins of pathogens with pandemic potential, including COVID-19. Some experts suggest it will be unlikely to figure out if the origin of COVID-19 can be found in nature or linked to a lab leak. This is due to the “imbalanced” […]

    Moon Rocks Collected by Chinese Space Agency has Volcanic Clues

    The moon rocks collected suggest volcanic activity on the moon happened 1 billion years later than thought. The moon rocks were collected by a Chinese robotic spacecraft and were brought to Earth last year. They have given scientists new insights into ancient lunar volcanic activity, according to a researcher. Li Xianhua said the rocks have […]

    Rapper Kanye West has Officially Changed his Name to Ye

    Kanye West has been calling himself Ye on social media for years, but now it’s official. On Monday, a Los Angeles judge approved the request for the rapper, producer, and fashion designer to legally change his name. His previous legal name was Kanye Omari West and now it is just Ye, with no middle or […]

    Scuba Diver Finds 900-Year-Old Crusader Sword on Seafloor

    A scuba diver from Israel grabbed an ancient sword off the country’s Mediterranean coast. Experts who examined the sword believe it dates back to the Crusaders.  On Monday, the Israeli Antiquities Authority said the divers’ total haul included anchors, pottery, and the metre-long sword. The diver made the discovery roughly 150 metres off of the […]